Stretch to a Better Posture

Stretch to a Better Posture

Last month I focused on my favorite stretches for the legs. This month I will shift to the arms. There are many ways to stretch the arms, but I want to give you a variety that will include all the parts of the shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand. While sitting or standing, the chest drops, shoulders tend to get tight and fall forward, elbows turn out away from the body and the head juts forward. Stretching helps bring your body back toward neutral, where it belongs. A better posture gives you more energy, allows you to breath deeper and helps improve your attitude. And these stretches don’t take long.

On most of these exercises I will show you one you can do on the floor and also a standing version. If you have been sitting for some time, it’s good to get up from your chair and move. Remember, sitting can be just as bad as smoking for your health. I will include video links along with pictures and explanations. Enjoy.

Latissimus and triceps stretch floor

  1. Start on your hands and knees with hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips, keeping your abdominals pulled in.
  2. Open your hand wide with thumbs pointing toward each other and elbows rotated in, so elbow creases face each other.
  3. Push your hips back toward your heels as far as you can, lowering your head toward the floor.
  4. Clasp your hands and with arms as close to the ears as possible, bend your elbows bringing your hands behind your head.
  5. To increase the stretch, you may also place elbows on a yoga block (pictured).

Latissimus and triceps stretch standing/sitting

  1. Sitting or standing raise your right arm overhead pulling the arm close to the ear.
  2. Grasp your right elbow with your left hand as you try to touch the back of your neck.
  3. Shift your weight slightly to the right.
  4. Make sure you hold your abdominals in and don’t let the back arch as you stretch it further down.

Posterior shoulder stretch floor

  1. In the hands and knees position reach your right arm up to the ceiling and then pull it across your body as you again push your hips back toward your heels.
  2. Straighten your left leg and your left arm to increase the stretch.
  3. You may rotate your head to the left as well. Make sure your shoulder does not pull up to your ear.
  4. Keep the weight on both hips evenly.

Posterior shoulder stretch standing/sitting

  1. Grasp your right elbow with your left hand with your arms at chest height.
  2. Slightly rotate your trunk to the right as you pull your right arm across your body.
  3. Make sure your shoulder blade stays still and your shoulder does not pull up to your ear.

Pectoral stretch floor

  1. Lie on the floor on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  2. Open your arms wide so they are horizontal making a “T” with your body with the palms facing up.
  3. Squeeze your shoulder blades against the floor and hold in your abdominals, pulling them up toward your ribs.
  4. Keeping both knees together, rotate from the pelvis, not letting back arch, rotating both knees to the left.
  5. Rotate as far as you can keeping your shoulder against the floor.
  6. You should feel the stretch in your right chest, not in the low back.
  7. Let your head turn to the right.
  8. You may place a pillow or yoga block between your knees (pictured on video).
  9. Slide your arms up about 20-30 degrees higher as to make a “Y” and repeat. This will stretch a different part of your pects.

Pectoral stretch standing

  1. Stand with your right elbow and forearm against the wall with your arm raised about 90 degrees.
  2. Keep feet together and palm against the wall.
  3. Take small steps away from the wall letting your body turn away from your elbow until you feel a stretch in the front of your chest, then walk feet back.
  4. Repeat with your arm raised on the wall about 120 degrees.

Pectoralis minor and biceps stretch standing

  1. Standing with your right side against the wall with your legs in a stride stance (like you are getting ready to take a step), with the right leg in front.
  2. Get as close to the wall as possible and hook your right chest and shoulder against the wall with your right arm extended behind you, with the back of your hand against the wall.  
  3. It may help to reach your left hand out in front of you.
  4. Shift your weight forward onto the right foot, pulling the right shoulder back. You should feel the stretch in the front of the shoulder.
  5. To increase the stretch keeping your elbow against the wall, bend your elbow and try to slide the back of your hand up your back.  
  6. You may also use a ball against the front of the chest to increase the stretch (pictured in video).

Wrist and finger stretch floor or standing

  1. Start on your hands and knees with hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips, keeping abdominals pulled in.
  2. Open your hands wide with thumbs pointing toward each other and elbows turned in.
  3. Rock forwards, backwards, side to side over your hands gently stretching your wrist.
  4. Stay in a pain-free range.
  5. To increase the stretch, you may turn your hands so fingers point away from each other, towards each other and towards your knees and repeat the rocking.
  6. If this is too difficult you may want to start with your hands on the wall.

This should give you a full stretching routine. Remember to do both sides and either hold for 30 seconds or just slowly move in and out of the stretch for at least 30 seconds. Diaphragm breathing will help you get the most of these stretches and is especially important to help open the ribs and chest. Breath in as you move into a stretch and exhale as you release.  If you have difficulty with these exercises, be sure to contact me for clarification to make sure you are doing it correctly, as well as modifications that may work better for you individually. I would be glad to answer your questions by text or you may set up an appointment.

Stay well and be transformed,


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